Study in the USA: A Comprehensive Guide for Indian Students

The last few years have seen quite an influx in the number of students migrating to the United States, the option of higher education in the country becoming increasingly popular among the youth of this country, who seek global exposure, education of the highest calibre as well as diverse career opportunities.

The United States boasts an incredibly high number of top-notch educational institutions, taking its rightful place as perhaps the most appealing educational hot spots across the globe. This blog today will provide a comprehensive guide if you are planning to take a flight across the earth for a new life abroad.

What exactly is the allure of the US?

Of course, being a foreign land, full of places to explore and discover, new people from different cultures, countries and ethnicities to meet has its own charm, there is a very strong academic leg of the argument. Most of the world's top universities (Harvard, Princeton, University of Pennsylvania, New York University, you name it) have their home on US soil. Any discipline that is known of is taught by quality faculty in most of the reputed institutions of the country. The sheer diversity of options and opportunities is a fresh breath of air after the academic scene of India, where most of the country is mad over engineering, medical sciences or law.

Let's talk about the various benefits of American education

  1. High quality education 
    As mentioned below, US universities are often in a league of their own, ranking high in the global University rankings every single year.
  2. Research opportunities 
    The USA is a researcher's dream. Leading experts are available to guide students to work on research in their respective fields, giving them a chance to make their name.
  3. Cultural diversity
    Not Indians, but students from all across the world see the appeal of education in the United States. The diversity, which is only increasing as time goes by, is an immense opportunity to take your place in the world, get to know the world, and understand people beyond your familiar circle.
  4. Career prospects 
    A degree from a US University will give a bigger boost to your CV than you think. These institutions are known globally and have strong industry connections which will give rise to incredible networking and internship opportunities, just when you are starting off your career after graduation.

How will Trans Globe help you?

  1. Course and University Selection 
    Our experts with extensive knowledge will guide you better towards the best decision you can make and help you with university selections and what scholarship opportunities as well as financial aid.
  2. Application assistance 
    Applying for foreign colleges is no piece of cake and we help you with every step of the process
  3. Test preparation 
    We provide coaching for the required exams you need to take (IELTS/PTE  and TOEFL), our trained mentors will prepare you best for the result you want to achieve.
  4. Visa guidance 
    We will help you navigate through a complex and difficult visa process and keep you updated on the requirements you need for a visa
  5. Mock Interviews
    We provide you with mock interviews to take in order to better prepare you for your visa interview.
  6. Student Health Cover
    Medical expenses in the United States can be expensive but we are here to offer you our Overseas Student Health Cover as well as pre departure briefings and contacts for alumni networking.

Now, let us walk through the application process

  1. First step, do your research. Research the ideal university choices for you, keeping in mind factors like location, ranking, courses etc.
  2. Then comes the entrance exam, most universities take in students through exams, so start preparing for those exams.
  3. Start your documentation, start preparing your LORs, SOPs, resume as well as academic transcripts.
  4. Fill the application forms of your chosen universities carefully and diligently, paying the required fees on time.
  5. Now comes the time for patience, as you await responses from the universities, some of them often getting in contact to ask for additional documents.
  6. Upon getting your much awaited acceptance letter, you need to confirm your enrolment and start the visa application process.
  7. After all is done and dusted, prepare your travel arrangements, finances, and accommodation situation in whichever new city you are going to start your new life in.

All in all, is it worth it?

Studying in America will bring forward, for sure, a transformative change in you from every aspect possible. The world class education system, a diverse student population, excellent infrastructure and too-good-to-miss career opportunities, the United States is the place to be right now, when it comes to your education.

This step might be just the difference between an average career and the career of your dreams, and Trans Globe  is here to help you inform you on this matter to your heart's content, and help you make a decision which give set you off to a wonderful career path.

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